Producing or supplying print ready artwork isnt always as easy as it sounds and can be quite daunting if your not 100% confident on a computer. You needn't worry. The galaxy print staff are here to help and talk you through exactly what they need to ensure you get the highest quality print possible.
For most print work, we accept the folloing file types. EPS, AI, PDF, CDR and PSD
Please ensure images are saved at a minimum resolution of 300dpi (dots per inch) and in CMYK. A lot of the work we do is applying logos and badges to workwear, sportswear and leisurewear. In cases like this a JPEG can be all we require providing that it is a decent file size. |
If you want to send us artwork, but the file sizes are too large to email, click on the mail big file button below or visit our upload page. |